as a deathwalker
As a Deathwalker, a Celebrant and an educator Zenith Virago is at the forefront of reclaiming dying, death, body care and ceremony back into our own hands and hearts for over 30 years. She works with dying people and their families and friends, individuals and communities to help them achieve a more holistic and beneficial approach.
Zenith iss also Co-author of the book The Intimacy of Death and Dying, Patron of The Good Funeral Guide, UK, and the subject of the international independent documentary, Zen & the Art of Dying. Featured in the award winning documentaries TENDER andLaura’s Choice. A TEDX Byron Bay speaker and much, much more.
Creator of the annual Vagina Conversations event, a fundraiser for Women's Services, consisting of women and people telling their own vagina stories, exploring the interconnectedness of life, sex and death.
Feminist, dancer, swimmer, liver of life, and proudly a previous Byron Citizen of the Year.