
This is not just a ‘women’s training’ but a rite of passage into the future that is already here, waiting for our gaze to soften enough to detect the subtle magic illuminating all life

Magdalena is not about self- improvement, how to be a better goddess or a worthy projection screen for the sacred feminine.

Magdalena does not assert that ‘She is rising’- the feminine returning to our collective after years of oppression and wounding for she never left.

She is here always untouched and omnipotent in spite of our wandering gaze.

Magdalena does not endorse the notion that self-love is the answer to the return of the goddess- that breast massage, tantric orgasms and nervous system management strategies are pathways of reclamation for HER.

She doesn’t need comfort or safety to emerge.

Magdalena does not buy into the paradigm that the feminine needs protection or rescuing; that her tenderness needs nourishment from the harsh world of patriarchy and penetration.

She is not fragile.

Magdalena turns our gaze towards the true power of the feminine as LIFE. The same life that simmers as molten lava at the core of this earth.

She is LIFE in its unadulterated purity.

She is howling wind and parched deserts. She is the sweetness of the rose lifted up by a stem of thorns that speaks to the unstoppable beauty and force of LIFE.

She is grief, rage and ecstasy pulsing freely through our hearts and bodies without a destination or encased in a story of hurt, trauma or pain.

She is the constant throb of LIFE and its ever changing landscapes and textures; porous and ungraspable.

After the end of civilisation, of humanity on this planet, after the destruction of our ecosystem and biosphere, at the end of all days

She will still be here, as she always has

The first green shoot that pushes up through the charred and barren earth.

This is HER

LIFE renewed.


The Remembering


Teachings from beyond the veils