a silent roar
Words are becoming foreign landscapes to me, as the language of the sensuous beckons.
I yearn to hear a silent, circular chord that encompasses everything in existence.
One long note—
a sound, a cry,
a hum of eternity echoing inside the pulse of nothingness.
How I long to return to a time before words were etched,
before straight lines were drawn.
Instead, I wish to speak through circles and spirals,
to transmit the vibration of my heart through a cyclical soundscape
with no beginning, middle, or end.
I want to remember my illiteracy
and celebrate my forgetfulness.
I want to burn all books and erase the minds that carry the deep horrors unleashed when we confined timelessness within full stops and paragraphs.
I want to awaken my ears to the silent roar of every moment that has ever existed—the language of LIFE,
registered through the wings of a bird
and the cosmic echo of a black hole merging with itself as a bellowing singularity.
I long to whisper in color and scream in hues,
to activate my sonar self that feels the chatter of vibratory symphonies dancing between all forms.
I want to converse with the ancient voice of this world,
to speak with the one whose name is existence,
in a dialect sourced from within my body
and spoken as a spiral inside my unschooled heart.